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Why Businesses Need Business Interruption Insurance

If your small business operations were interrupted, would you be able to bounce back right away? For 9 out of 10 small businesses, the answer is no. According to FEMA, being forced to close for just five days can cause the majority of small businesses to fail within a year. But if your business were [...]

By | March 17th, 2022|Insurance information|0 Comments

Easy Actions to Prevent Cyber-Attacks

When you rely on computers to run your business, protecting against cyber-attacks is a must. Every day, nearly 2,200 reports of cybercrime are filed with the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center. Hackers want to access your business computers to commit fraud, steal financial data and hold digital files for ransom. Franchises are most at risk [...]

By | December 22nd, 2021|Insurance information, Risk management tips|0 Comments

Commercial Auto Coverage for Franchises

If your franchise uses vehicles as part of business operations, commercial auto coverage for franchises should be a part of your insurance program. Commercial auto insurance is a type of coverage designed to protect businesses when they use vehicles for business purposes. Coverage can protect you from damages, lawsuits and other expenses you could face [...]

By | September 28th, 2021|Franchise insurance, Insurance information|0 Comments

General Liability vs. Umbrella Liability Insurance

Some insurance policies like property insurance or liquor liability insurance are pretty self-explanatory. But other common coverage options can require a bit of an explanation. General Liability Insurance and Umbrella Liability Insurance are two common types of coverage for franchises. These two liability policies are very similar, however there are a few key differentiators. In [...]

By | June 18th, 2021|Insurance information|0 Comments

Cyber Liability Risks for Franchises and How to Protect Against Them

As a franchise business operating in today's digitally connected world, your business faces several cyber liability risks. Typically, most franchisees do not consider themselves at risk for a cyber attack and have failed to take measures to secure their systems and data. It's important to first recognize the scope of your cyber liability risks and [...]

Creating a Safe Driving Program for Your Company Vehicles and Drivers

If your business offers delivery, pickup or in-home services, your business faces certain risks that other franchises don't. Having employees that drive for work and company vehicles that need to be serviced and maintained increases your exposure to accidents, claims and liability lawsuits. One of the ways you can manage this risk exposure is by [...]

By | January 26th, 2021|Franchise safety, Risk management tips|0 Comments

Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls

In franchises across the country, slips, trips and falls are a leading cause of injury. Both franchise employees and customers are at risk. The result of a slip, trip or fall can range from mild to severe. However, most of these accidents can be prevented with proper awareness of the hazards and the right safety [...]

By | August 6th, 2020|Franchise safety, Risk management tips|0 Comments